Behind the House Always Clean and Neat, Could Be Symptoms of OCD

You are amazed at a friend's house or room that is always neat and clean to every corner. However, over time you realize that he spent hours longer than normal time to clean the house, even angry if someone shifted the position of the goods or not return the items to their place. Be careful, he may experience OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic disorder when a person has an obsession and uncontrolled behavior to do something repeatedly. Obsessive is a term for people who are too worried and think too much. Compulsive is a personal disorder when people are too detail oriented, too fond of regulating, and even tend to be perfectionists. While the word disorder is used to indicate that it causes significant disturbances in daily life. Clean Up Because of Fear Regularity is the main core of OCD. One of the common symptoms of OCD is fear of germs and contamination. But people with OCD are different from neat lovers who don't have excessive obsessions. Lovers ...